4:33 PM

Oh my GOODNESS she's cute

Posted by Sam

Little miss sarahi is gaining weight and seems to be doing far better than a few months ago. Lice, parasites and the asthma have been ongoing problems, but those will be things we battle for as long as she lives in the mountains here. Her dad, Alfonso was hit by a car two weeks ago, while I was in the states. As soon as I arrived he told me what happened and explained that he'd been in a lot of pain since then and hasn't been able to work because he could barely walk from all the pain. Therefore food was very limited over those weeks as they had no money coming in. Yesterday JT and I took him to get his leg and foot checked out by Gina's dad who is an orthopedic surgeon. His foot was at least 3 times the size of the other, and we feared that it was broken. He had two x rays taken and they only found a small fracture in the smaller bone in his leg. It was so small that they didn't even need to cast it. Praise God! Doctor gave him a shot and a prescription for some pain meds and ordered him to rest for two more weeks to let it heal. Two nights ago sarahi and her brother, Renee stayed the night at our house so we could clean them up and pick lice out of their hair. Renee also has spots behind his ears and on his head where he has scratched so much from the lice that they places have started bleeding, and were slightly infected. So JT cleaned that up for him as well. And now they are back with their parents. The entire family has asked us to take them to church sunday so...stay tuned. :)