5:02 PM

Mothers Day

Posted by Sam

Over the past couple of years I have decided that I love big families. I've started an adopted family and I have adopted brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, a couples set of grandparents, and probably 12 or 13 mommas.  It's a big family, and I am loving it. Nothing in this world beats family. I love the people that I have adopted as family, the 'mommas' that I've adopted are some of the best women on the face of this earth. They never fail to be an example of what the Christian journey should look like. Their lives reflect the love of Christ in everything they do. I've developed amazing relationships with them, and they are some of the most Christ-like women I have ever met. I hope to be like them someday. I cherish each of these relationships, I have no idea why I get to call them family because I sure as heck don't deserve them, but I will forever be grateful. Each of them hold a special place in this heart, and the love they have shown has touched some of the deepest places in my soul. 

But the momma that gave birth to me is the most special of them all. She is one of the most amazing people you'll ever meet. And again, I'm not sure why I'm the girl with the best momma around, but I sure am grateful. So in honor of this Mothers Day, I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. Thanks for taking care of me when I was sick, and being there when I cried, and making me laugh. Thanks for showing me the love of Christ and for being the best mom anyone could ask for. Thanks for being the caring and loving woman that you are, and teaching me to be that way. Thank you for loving me even when I was hard to handle at times. Thanks for teaching me right and wrong. Thank you for teaching me to follow my dreams with all my heart. Thank you for teaching me to not give up when times are rough, and thank you for supporting me in everything I've ever done. Thank you for being a woman of service, dedication, and love. Thanks for being my best friend. Thank you for all the shopping days, and days of laying in the sun to just be together. Thank you for being my mom. You've taught me so much over the years, and someday I hope to be as good of a mom as you have been. I love you more than you could ever know.