This week we have a group of over 30 people from Malone all staying at our house. They are a great bunch of college students. Yesterday they held a carnival in Santa Ana for all the kids in the community. While they were doing that Jen, Steve, Carlos and I went to the Cucuy houses to get pictures of all the families for someone in the states who wants to sponsor each of the families. As we made our rounds we came to the house of the lady who is known around the community for having been the 'witch'. She was once a pretty crazy lady. People were scared of her. She and her father have both recently been baptized and made Jesus King of their life. She's a completely new woman. Her father is really sick, but he's such a sweet gentle man. Because of his illness he's not able to walk right now. He asked if we could help him get the medicine he needs because he just wants to be able to walk again. The first picture is of her and her sick dad. The second one is a picture of her brother praying. He also lives with her and she cares for him as well.
Today the group was split into two teams. One team built a house in Nuevo Oriental and the other team helped at the feeding center in the same village. I was one of the ones with the opportunity to serve in the feeding center, helping serve lunch and playing with the kids. After I was done getting food to all the kids I caught a glimpse a little girl out of the corner of my eye and I turned my head and smiled at her and she got a huge grin on her face. Sometimes I forget what it's like to go into a community and have your heart stolen by a new kid for the first time, but it's one of the greatest things in the world. It never ceases to amaze me that in this country you can fall in love with a kid without ever having said a word to them. They somehow capture your heart in unexplainable ways. I had the honor of sitting with this sweet little girl, Daniella and her brothers and grandma as they ate their lunch. Her grandma began talking to me telling me about their life. She told me that life is hard for them but nothing is impossible with God. And she told me that life is much better when you are walking with God. In the 15 minutes that I spoke with her somewhere in the midst of it I fell in love with their sweet little family. She took me to see their house and even gave me a coke out of their fridge. I am amazed over and over again by the generosity of the people in this country. They don't have much but what they do have they want to share with you and expect nothing in return. They resemble Christ in so many ways.
After lunch was over I walked outside and immediately my hands were grabbed by a couple little girls who pulled me into the soccer field to play with them. As we walked a little boy came running at me and grabbed onto my arm to walk with us. He's three years old and I met him a couple months ago in the village. His name is Antonio and he hung out with us and the kids played with my camera for a while. Antonio stayed very close the entire time I was with him. He eventually worked his way into my lap so I would cradle him and love on him for a bit. I often forget that these kids not only go without adequate food and clothing, but they also aren't loved on a whole lot by their parents sometimes. So when they see white people they constantly want to be held, and for you to hold their hands, give them piggy back rides, play soccer, and just for you to remind them that they are loved.

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