Today David and his friend Lindsay and I headed out around noon and went to Sector Ocho to visit a family again that we had visited a few days ago. They have 5 children and the youngest is 11 months old but is very malnourished so she doesn't look much more than 4 months old. When we were visiting the other day as we walked up to the house I saw her laying outside all alone on a little mattress in the sun. We went over and picked her up and played with her for a few minutes. And somewhere in the midst of it I fell in love with this sweet baby. She is absolutely adorable. So we went back today with more milk for the baby and some food for the whole family as well. They are all pretty malnourished and sick. We couldn't stay long because we were also going to hospital escuela and needed to get going and their sweet momma was upset that we couldn't stay longer to visit with them. It was sweet, and we assured her that we'd be coming back soon. :) As we were leaving one of my girls named Yulisa came up to me and told me that Jimmy was at the pulperia nearby so we drove down to see him. He was one of the boys Erica fell in love with two years ago while the group was here and this year while the group was here he hung out with me all day while we built a house in the village. He was always right by my side helping us build, and honestly working a lot harder than any of the rest of us. ;) He is a sweet kid and it was great being able to see him again.

Here she is..
David with a little guy in the hospital
This baby is six months old and was fighting for every breath. As we visited with the mom I stood by her bed praying over her as I watched her fight for her life right before my eyes.
This sweet girl I had the opportunity to visit while the group was here a couple weeks ago. We had been walking down the hallway visiting kids on her floor and we could hear her cries. It's a cry that you don't easily forget. The sound of it echoes through my mind often. As we entered her room that day we saw her fragile little body lying in a bed all alone. As she struggled to find even enough strength to cry we began to sing over her and pray. She is severely malnourished and is fighting for her life. Well, today we were in a different section of the hospital and as we walked down the hallway I heard her cries once again, and knew it was her. I stopped and told david that we had to go find her. I couldn't remember exactly where she was but we just followed the sound of her cry and we finally found her. So we visited with her for a while and gave her a little stuffed animal. Please be praying for her. She is so sick.
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