This past Wednesday was Sarahi's check up after being released from the hospital. The doctor said she's gained almost a pound in just a week, but she needs to gain about 4 more in a month. That will put her at about 17 lbs which is still under weight, but its certainly better. The lice is almost gone and all the other illnesses are getting better but certainly aren't gone. He prescribed more medicines to help her gain weight quickly and also some medicine to help with all the gas in her stomach. He asked that she stay with me for two more weeks while she finishes up some medicine and so that we can hopefully get her to gain some weight before going back to her parents. So, I have her until the 18th which is her next doctor appointment and if all is well she will be allowed to go back with her parents then.
Dr. Vallejo, her pediatrician, Sarahi, and me
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