As many of you know, the five brothers that were the first to come to Casa went back to live with their parents a little over three weeks ago now. It has been rough on everyone. The kids here at Casa ask about them all the time. They are missed terribly around this place.
Saturday morning we got the kids ready, loaded the bus and headed for Comayagua. We told the kids that we had a surprise, and they assumed that meant we were going into Tegucigalpa. But we made the 2 hour journey and we stopped at the Wendy’s in Comayagua and took the kids inside while Jen and three others went to pick up the boys and their parents. When they returned we brought them inside to surprise the rest of the kids. They were pretty excited to see them again. We laughed and played with the boys, and loved on them as much as possible. We ate, and then had cake to celebrate two of the boys’ birthdays that were this past week. They all loved it. The kids had a blast. Fernando and Fransisco walked around with their arm around each other, and Brayan carried Antonio on his shoulders. It was adorable. It was so good to see Yovani again. I have missed him terribly, and it is so different around here without him. He was the first to capture my heart when I came to this country three years ago. He was the reason I came back. It was a good visit, pretty emotional for all of us, but it was good.
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